Golfers looking for Golf-Putting-Instruction doesn't need to be a safari.

Golf-Putting-Instruction, Putting the one part of the game you can practice year round.can be obtained in books DVDs, seminars and on the web.

The tools or putting aids that can be purchased at pro shops and Golf stores help to break incorrect habits. Knowing what will help you is the other thing.

   Golf ball going into hole.

If 2 golf-tees and some string will help you to putt better why-not? Even using a golf  pencil to help get the right speed of the ball, so it will go in the hole more often.

           Putting Drill.

You may need the string and golf tees for this one. Or just use 4 golf tees at each end of the pencil at the lip of the hole.

The selection of putters can also add to the confusion.You need a newer putter for one reason or another somehow, maybe it got bent
or lost near the water? Keeping your together when golfing is one thing, keeping together when putting is something different.

If you commit to yourself to golf, it seems that you are always working on some part of your game. Putting is one. Getting help with Golf-Putting-Instruction can be hard, it doesn't have to be.

Golf-Putting-Instruction should be simple.
Maybe we as Golfers put to much thought into it?

Reading books, watching DVDs can help. Although finding a place to work on your putting stroke can be a simple approach. You can, if you have time do it for hours. This can help hone your stroke. Although, if you don't try different methods or even games on the putting green. It could time wasted.

Books by Dave Pelz.

OK lets say for one reason or another your putting is just ugly. If you have 1 or 2 putters and you change to newer grips and your putting  still sucks. May be it's not you. You go to your golf shop and they have a display of 50 or more putters, don't try them all. Choose 3, take your time not all-day. Ask if there is someone who can fit you with the right Putter.


If you brought one of your putters with you to the golf shop and the old putter seems work better than the newer ones may be you fix what was not working for you, something like other focusing. Golf is also mental game.


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